Auditing & Assurance Services

Auditing & Assurance Services

The business environment is evolving rapidly with increased complex regulatory requirements. Upholding stakeholder’s confidence and trust is vital in these times. Our audit & assurance services help organizations keep pace in their growth trajectory along with ensuring timely compliance in regulatory responsibilities. We provide the following services to clients in India and abroad with quality, innovation and value addition.

Auditing is a highly complex process where the auditor plays a pivotal role in the financial reporting process wherein the responsibilities have increased manifold in the present era. The investors and lenders trusts auditors to provide an unbiased opinion about the financial position and the financial results.
While delivering the quality services, we aim at going beyond traditional ways of auditing. Our global exposure, partner-led services, strong knowledge base and methodology aligned to local as well as global auditing practices uniquely position us to provide value add services.

Statutory Audit

Auditing is a highly complex process where the auditor plays a pivotal role in the financial reporting process wherein the responsibilities have increased manifold in the present era. The investors and lenders trusts auditors to provide an unbiased opinion about the financial position and the financial results.
While delivering the quality services, we aim at going beyond traditional ways of auditing. Our global exposure, partner-led services, strong knowledge base and methodology aligned to local as well as global auditing practices uniquely position us to provide value add services. Our audit procedures and policies have been subjected to external reviews by the peer review board as well as quality review board.Together with a full scope audit, we also provide the following assurance services:
⦁ Group reporting
⦁ Reviews
⦁ Agreed upon procedures
⦁ Certification

Tax Audit

Constantly evolving tax reforms and consequent tax laws can drain time, resources, and money to a larger extent. With an in-house team of tax experts, we aim at providing holistic value add tax audit services. It is our endeavor to provide seamless compliance with deep technical knowledge.
Asset Verification

Due to management reporting or regulatory requirements, organizations need to conduct independent, third-party verifications. This could be a part of Due Diligence before a special event, like an M&A transaction, or a compliance activity, such as a management review to ascertain the effectiveness of internal controls for inventory management within the company.
We provide independent Inventory and Fixed Asset Verification services PAN India basis that support such requirements. Our team of seasoned specialists caters to precise project requirements, like the due diligence scope and client guidelines, to highlight variances observed, and help control any reported lapses.